Sponsors & Sponsorships

Fun With Sponsors & Sponsorships 🙂

Sponsorships are value exchanges between like-minded parties who see the mutual benefit in doing business together. Sponsorships are generally, “one-offs,” “cyclical,” or, “perpetual.” The business relationship and value proposition determine sponsorship levels. “Sponsorship Levels,” are merely expressions / reflections of each party’s perceived value of the business relationship.

Who you choose to partner with is a reflection of you and your business’ image. Choose your partners wisely – just like you would in any relationship.

Kathryn N. Sano

~ Purpose ~ Strategy ~ Longevity ~

Always Remember This With Sponsorships

Consumers (when treated well) eventually become customers. You’re building relationships with them too. Sponsorship success is a combination of mutually beneficial business solutions. Effective sponsorships increase all parties’ sales, allowing for all parties’ growth AND, most importantly, it is done to enhance the consumer experience.

The Music Business Network supports creatives through teaching and demonstrating, “how to,” do things while providing access to resources. One of our primary functions is to teach creatives how to get the, “best of the best,” deals, opportunities, partners, sponsors et. al.

Focusing on longevity through sustainability is what The Music Business Network’s Community is about. The Network’s Community site is still in re-development. Thank you for your continued patience.

Solid Start: Check Out The Book “Made Possible By: Succeeding With Corporate Sponsorships,” by Patricia Martin

Always Revising, Developing & Working On Resources To Assist You With Your Career Development!
Below Are Some Templates For You To Reference To Assist With Getting You Started With Creating The Greatest Sponsorship Partnerships Possible. These Are Old & Are ALL Being Updated.