We’re always listening to music here at The Music Business Network.

Music Is Life.

It’s What We Do!

This is why we created a custom curated playlist filled with tracks we listened to whilst doing our social networking updates today! We put everything on shuffle and whatever plays goes on the playlist. Happy listening everyone!
Be sure to check out our full, “Networked News,” playlist on Spotify which features all songs played to date and the rest of this news website for other daily news, the daily news recaps and to play the daily music trivia game based on the day’s specific tracks.
The answers to the daily trivia questions and today’s full track listing is only available to our patrons and exclusively found here!
The reason why our Patreon members receive the exclusive full track listing of all songs played each day is because some songs are not on The, “Networked News,” playlists as they are from unreleased and/or rare albums which are not currently on streaming platforms.
We deliver the news, music trivia, the full music playlists and other special creative surprises on here!

Definitely become a patron today if this is of interest!

Here’s a sample of what you can expect from the, “Networked News,” daily update posts:
Today’s News: (Sample From 7/6/21)
Music & Business News ~ 7/6/2021
- TUE. BRIEF: Hipgnosis Soars, Korea Loves YouTube, Spotify Stock, Side Door & More– http://ow.ly/YCat50FqfQz
- 4 Reasons Spotify [NYSE: SPOT] Stock Price Could Rise 30%– http://ow.ly/nnxK50Fqg45
- US Copyright Office Reveals New Organizational Structure– http://ow.ly/XVLV50Fq8xw
- Instagram Insists On Competing With TikTok And Will Now Prioritize Video Over Photos– http://ow.ly/KUiO50Fq90W
- Porsche Developing Background Music to Match Your Driving Style– http://ow.ly/CLHN50FqcAi
- 10 Ways SEO Is the Secret to Brand-Building– http://ow.ly/Wxn650FqcZE
- How To Get A Booking Agent [Video]– http://ow.ly/x3NE50FqdSr
- Get Free Presets And Tutorials Each Month From Veteran Sound Designer Tom Wolfe– http://ow.ly/L95850Fqewm
- 3 Ways to Use Authenticity to Build Customer Loyalty– http://ow.ly/QLAd50Fqfcy

Today’s Trivia Questions & Answers: (Sample From 7/6/21)
1. This song is from the 1996 studio album by this popular rock band which references where the pope lives. What is the name of the album?
- Hint: Their debut album released in 1993 is called, “Core.”
- Artist: Stone Temple Pilots
- Song: Lady Picture Show
- Album: Tiny Music … Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop
2. This band’s lead singer’s brother owned and operated the recording studio called, “The Powerstation,” in NYC. What is the name of the band?
- Hint: The band shares the same name as the lead singer.
- The Band’s Name is Bon Jovi
- Song: Wildflower
3. This song’s name is about a concept attributed to Aristotle & Epictetus. The band’s drummer, Neil Peart, recently passed away. What is the name of the song?
- Hint: The aforementioned concept which shares the name with the song has been highly debated by philosophers and scientists for millennia.
- Song Name: Freewill
- The Band’s Name: Rush
Please Note: We currently are posting 6 trivia questions a daily this is a snapshot.
Today’s Playlist Screenshots: (Sample From 7/6/21)

Songs Exclusively Listed Here & Not On The Spotify Playlist:
- Adrenaline by Dynazty
- Hug You, Squeeze You by Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble
- Generation Lost by B.O.B
Please Note:
If you are an artist and are interested in being added to any of The Network’s Playlists on one of our YouTube Channels and/or Spotify definitely contact us. We’re happy to help and promote your creative endeavors. Yes, we do this for free because sharing is caring!

Fun Fact:
Many Of Our Members Have Direct Connections To People, Places & Information Listed Above. This is one of the ways in which joining, “The Network,” can assist with your career development.